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Olde Mother Brewing Co. Head Brewer Jake Beamer Talks Dire Wolf

Olde Mother Brewing Co. Head Brewer Jake Beamer Talks Dire Wolf

We spoke with Olde Mother Brewing Co. Head Brewer Jake Beamer about Dire Wolf.

BC: Where does this beer's name come from?
I sometimes nerd out over Pleistocene Megafauna. We've made other beers named after them too, like Megalonyx and Glyptodon. So it just made sense to do one named after a Dire Wolf, and it's been one of our most popular IPAs.

BC: What's a good food pairing for this beer?
DIPAs go amazing with Mexican food. For Dire Wolf I'd go with chorizo tacos with onion, cilantro and lime.

BC: Can you describe this beer in 10 words or less?
Citra hops. Basically, that's it. Is that less than ten?

BC: Is this your "desert island beer"
If I'm only having one beer on the island it's probably a pilsner or saison. So no, but Dire Wolf would be in my top 10.

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