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Brothel Madam

New Jersey
United States
Brothel Madam by Cape May Brewing Co.
Judges Ratings 
1 Review
21 / 24
36 / 40
4 / 6
8 / 10
Overall Impression:
16 / 20

Bright acidity, firm rustic funk, with a rich and luscious finish. For optimum fruit character drink fresh, to play up the funk age it out.

Story: You may hear the voice of an elderly woman here or a ghostly little girl named Elizabeth calling our wait staff names or appearing in photos at the table.

Beverage Profile
Served at: 
Czech Saaz
Premium German Pilsner
Judges Review 
Jason Johnson's picture
Judges Rating:
21 / 24
4 / 6
36 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression:
16 / 20

This beer was given to me as a BJCP category 28 C., Barrel Aged American Sour Ale on raspberries and cranberries.

The appearance of the beer is a light pink blush color and is very clear. It's a good looking fruited beer to say the least. It poured a low fizzy white head with very low persistence. The aroma is nice, and smells of cranberry with a medium-low Brett character. There is a lightly sour aroma to the beer, potentially from raspberries, but most likely from souring bacteria. I do get a very noticeable vinegar aroma in our bottle, which is a generally considered a fault in some sours. Since this is a specialty you can look past it, but does seem out of place compared to the other components. The flavor closely matches the aroma with the same cranberry and light raspberry flavor. The bitterness is medium-low with a moderate peppery-like flavor. There is also an oddly vinegar tart flavor that seems slightly out of place. The balance is leaning on the fruit, mostly the cranberry in my flavor perception. The beer does finish nice and dry. The mouthfeel is light with no real creamy impression nor alcohol warmth. There is a light tannic astringency, but it's okay in some barrel aged beers.

All in all it's probably not the best barrel aged fruited sour I've had, but its solid none-the-less. I would order it on tap if it were offered up somewhere. I'm not sure I would have more than one glass though.

Brewery Introduction

A couple guys and a beer — that’s how Cape May Brewing Company came to be. Back in 2011, they brewed their first batch of Cape May IPA, kegged it up, and sold it to a bar up the street…

…and began South Jersey’s craft revolution.