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Industry & People

The Beer Connoisseur Named Best Beer Magazine of 2018 by
The Beer Connoisseur magazine headquartered in Atlanta, GA has been named 2018’s best beer magazine on the web according to On...
Bruce Dickinson Beer
In the world of beer, it’s not uncommon to find folks from all backgrounds who are on their second or third careers. But few people can lay claim to...
Tertiary Beer Businesses Are Booming, Photo Courtesy Taco Mac
Speculation about the craft brewing industry’s inevitable demise has been a real nucleation point for some people, but I’m here to say that this talk...
Red Brick Brewing Co. Rebrands Itself Atlanta Brewing Co.
In honor of the brewery's 25th anniversary, Red Brick Brewing Co. is leaving behind its old moniker and rebranding itself as Atlanta Brewing Co. in...
Hazy IPA Overtakes American IPA in Number of GABF Entries
For the first time in the competition's history, the Great American Beer Festival will allow three new hazy beer styles to enter into competition. As...
China Beer Market Outlook: Consumer Demand Leads to Growth
In a recent report from Fitch Solutions Macro Research (a unit of Fitch Group), consumer demand for beer in China has grown and is "being driven by...
Nigeria's Alcohol Market Affected by New Excise Taxes
According to BMI Research (a unit of Fitch Group), Nigeria's new excise taxes on beer, wine and spirits has affected the country's projected growth...
Mid-Year Growth for Craft Breweries Remains Steady at 5 Percent
The Brewers Association has released the numbers for mid-year growth for small and independent craft brewers. Though news of a slowdown has been rife...
Modern Times Leisuretown to Open in Anaheim, Joins 21 Active or In-Planning Breweries in the City
In a release from Shaheen Sadeghi’s LAB Holding (LAB stands for “Little American Business”), Modern Times Beer is partnering with the company to open...
Artisanal Imports Announces Sponsorship of 2nd Annual National Belgian Beer Week
Famed beer importer Artisanal Imports have announced a partnership to sponsor the Second Annual Belgian Beer Week from July 18 to July 22. The event...
Sly Fox Brewing Co. Debuts Rebrand and Renovated Original Tasting Room
Sly Fox Brewing Co. in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania has announced that the brewery's original taproom has been renovated and multiple recipes have been...
The Business of Tasting Rooms
And now, the debate about the business of tasting rooms. Somehow, one of the best developments ever to come along in craft beer is being...
Licher Privatbrauerei Brewmaster and Head of Quality Management and Beer Production Gerhard Bößendörfer Talks Licher Weizen
We saddled up with the masterminds behind the highest rated brews and asked them about the inspiration behind the recipes. Follow the links below to...
The Stunning Lack of Diversity in Craft Beer
Craft beer is the biggest it's ever been, with incredible stylistic diversity and a wealth of fascinating flavors and aromas available to be...
Demand for Craft Beer in United Kingdom Remains Strong
According to BMI Research (Business Monitor International, a unit of Fitch Group), the "U.K.'s wealthy consumer base and growing sophistication in...
