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James Link's picture

16 Point IPA

August, 2017
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Reviewed as a 22A Double IPA as per the style guidelines established by the Beer Judge Certification Program. (2015 edition)

The Hop aroma of this beer was redolent with the scent of ripe citrus fruits along with undertones of mango and pineapple. Caramel malt along with a persistent alcoholic warming of the nose was also evident at higher levels than normally found in other examples of the style.

A clear golden colored ale with a medium oatmeal-tinted head poured up and held nicely.

Resinous hop flavors were well pronounced however, as in the aroma a clean carmel malt presence was firmly and appropriately stated. Alcohol was strongly manifest as one might expect as a result of higher malt levels evident here. Hop bitterness cleaned up nicely in the finish.

The body was full and smooth over the tongue with medium carbonation and no hop astringency.

A unique Double IPA With a big smack of hops and malt character to match.