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Michael Heniff's picture


May, 2016


Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
39 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Billed by the brewery as a “modern interpretation of the witbier style,” this golden ale promptly punches you in the nose with an unexpected abundance of hop aromas that are resiny, piney and peachy. The body again is a welcoming abundance of hops with flavors of resiny, piney, spicy and peachy overwhelming any wheat that the brewer’s malt bill had to offer. The finish is dry, crisp and bitter with abundant resiny, herbal and spicy hops and not a hint of wheat. Craft beer drinkers admire innovation and hopheads love their hops. So this wheat beer might be more appropriately described as a “California Wheat” due to the influx of hoppy aromas and flavors.  Either way, this a great beer with nice flavors and solid complexity.