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Phil Farrell's picture

Gonzo Imperial Porter

Judges Rating: 
24 / 24
6 / 6
39 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
20 / 20

This beer looks perfect in a glass and the grapefruit, pine and resin are evident from arm’s length. Beneath the layer of intense hop aroma is an enticing dark chocolate and nutty roast. The flavor doesn’t disappoint with the same hop flavors complementing a much more complex array of cooked caramel, dark chocolate, coffee and even a little licorice. As it warms, there are more subtle surprises, especially from the malt. The bitterness is rather mild with both roast and hop components lingering in a complex semi-dry finish. The body is fairly full, creamy with a little bit of alcohol warming. This is an outstanding, continually intriguing beer.