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Judge's Review: 86 Rating - Castle Made of Clouds by Gnarly Barley Brewing Co.

December, 2020

Castle Made of Clouds

Castle Made of Clouds

United States
Castle Made of Clouds, Gnarly Barley Brewing

Certified fluffiest DIPA to date! This Hazy Juicy Double IPA was brewed with oats and lactose to provide the foundation for silky texture that is compounded by the tropical flavors that gush off of the New Zealand Pacific Sunrise hops used. It starts with citrus up front and cleans up with a punch of pineapple that rounds out with stone fruit and dare we say a tiny hint of coconut. A paradise, a luxury, a castle...made of clouds.

Beverage Profile
Cascade, Mosaic, Pacific Sunrise



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Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
32 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

Castle Made of Clouds by Gnarly Barley Brewing Co. was reviewed under #22A (Double IPA) of the 2015 BJCP Guidelines.  The beer poured revealed a hazy, milky liquid that was golden in color.  Very good carbonation that dissipated quickly, however, their was good head retention. The bubbles were small and tight.  The aroma had a wonderful malt sweetness with hints of pineapple and citrus due to the hops utilized. The flavor of the beer had a nice malt sweetness rounded again with grapefruit and a hint of citrus flavors that blended well together.  The hop bitterness was well rounded and smooth and was not sharp and astringent.  Immediately, I could tell that this was a big beer in terms of alcohol ( 8.%) by the taste of it. It had a medium body and mouthfeel and the carbonation was just right.  Not flat, yet not overly carbonated.  The finish was nice and smooth with a nice little alcohol burn due to the strength of this beer (Double IPA).  However, the beer tasted a little too sweet and the cause(s) can vary from lack of oxygenation during "knockout", the health of the yeast and/or not enough pitched yeast for this big beer.