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Judge’s Review: 90 Rating - I’m On A Boat by Monday Night Brewing

April, 2018
Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
5 / 6
37 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

I’m on a Boat by Monday Night Brewing is being evaluated as a Blonde Ale (Category 18C) from the 2015 BJCP guidelines. 

This beer poured out with a light golden yellow and a slightly hazy clarity. The thick white head framed this beer beautifully, and the tiny bubbles slowly rising to the top added to the visual entertainment.

The aroma of pine, with a little citrus grapefruit rind and cantaloupe, salute you. As it warms, a light herbal character develops as the citrus notes increase.

The flavor is light malty, just short of sweet with the citrus rind notes in the aroma perceived in the aroma.  Very clean, and decidedly bitter with a mild herbal aftertaste that's balanced toward the hops.

Medium light in body and medium carbonation with a mild puckery mouthfeel rounds it out. 

This is an easy-drinking beer without the alcoholic presence to stop you from drinking too many.  This beer goes down easy, and can be easily paired with a variety of summer foods.  But you better keep them light so as to not overwhelm the soft notes of this beer.