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Judge's Review: 91 Rating - Bizarre Gardening Accident Kumquat by Motorworks Brewing

May, 2018
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
36 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Bizarre Gardening Accident Kumquat by Motorworks Brewing was reviewed per 2015 style guidelines of the Beer Judge Certification Program under category 29A Fruit Beer.

A big white head filled the glass and then fell off quickly. Lots of tiny bubbles were manifest throughout its hazy pale yellow color.

A distinct lemon aroma was immediately evident and melded with a citric tartness and other fruity esters to create a light and refreshing bouquet.

The flavor was sharply sour and acidic. A lemon rind character was dominant however it was pleasantly accompanied by less aggressive fruity notes that led into a dry finish.

The body was thin, non-astringent and highly carbonated with alcohol barely perceptible.

A crisp, low-gravity beer with a champagne-like quality that will refresh your palate on a hot summer day.