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Judge's Review: 94 Rating - Rye Stout by Flying Lion Brewing

February, 2022

Rye Stout

Rye Stout

United States
Rye Stout, Flying Lion Brewing

This is a classic American Stout, full of flavor and character, and with the spicy, crisp addition of Rye. The clean, roasted, flavor finishes dry and drinks well year-round. USA Gold Winner - World Beer Awards (2019, 2020, 2021)

Beverage Profile
Served at: 
40 - 45º F
Pale, Victory, Chocolate Malt, Roasted Barley, Flaked Rye
Centennial, Mt. Hood



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Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
6 / 6
37 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Rye Stout by Flying Lion Brewing falls under the category of 20B under the BJCP Guidelines as an American stout. The pour revealed a pitch black color with a nice tan head that receded quickly. The aroma permeated with chocolate nibs, dark roasted malts and espresso coffee. The flavor of the rye stout was well balanced with dark roasted malts (chocolate nibs, espresso, slight rye flavor) along with a moderate hop bitterness. All those flavors blended well to give this beer a very complex depth, as well as a remarkable smoothness. The body and mouthfeel of this beer was slightly heavy (appropriate for style) along with moderate carbonation that was just right. Overall, this was a nicely made beer that matched the American stout category. Again, the finish was very smooth with deep complex flavors swirling in my palate.