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Richard Wong's picture

Judge's Review: 95 Rating - Bockness Monster by Upland Brewing Co.

November, 2019
Judges Rating: 
24 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

Bockness Monster by Upland Brewing Co. would normally be categorized as a 9A ( Doppelbock ), however, this has been aged in a bourbon barrel, thus 33B ( Specialty Wood Aged Beer ) according to the 2015 BJCP Guidelines.  The aroma of this definately conveyed that this indeed aged in bourbon barrel.  Wonderful aroma's of bourbon, raisins, plums, dried fruit, molasses with no hop aroma whatsoever ( okay for style ).  The pour revealed a pitch black hue with a very creamy tan head.  Small, tight bubbles laced the glass and it has a nice head retention.  The flavor or flavors of this beer just exploded in the palate.  Being inundated with flavors of bourbon and oak ( due to aging in bourbon barrels ), dried fruit ( raisins, plums ), a hint of vanilla and molasses and slight roasted malts that had a nice biscuit quality.  The hop bitterness was buried in the background making it very subtle but still integral to the overall flavors of this beer. A very nice carbonation contributed to a very nice body and mouthfeel.  The beer was very smooth and had a very nice subtle burn in the palate due to the 9.8% in alcohol strength.  The overall impression of this beer is that it is well made.  Balanced nicely with the roasted malts and subtle but present hop bitterness.  In between we also have these wonderful flavors of the bourbon barrel and the oak, dried fruit, malt sweetness and subtle hints of vanilla and molasses.  Definately, a winter warmer for these cold winter months.  It'll definately keep you warm.