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Death By Coconut

January, 2016
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
20 / 20

Medium-high coconut aromas deftly mingle with dark chocolate and earthy coffee. Very light flowery hops and a bready caramel malt backbone round out the clean aroma. It’s all about the roast and coconut in this beer.

Gorgeous in any light, Death by Coconut pours an inky black with a tall, finely textured brown head that’s persistent. The initially intense coconut flavor quickly gives way to bittersweet chocolate, light caramel and bready malt. Despite the lower hop bitterness, the beer is balanced from the higher level of roast. The semi-sweet finish allows the caramel, chocolate and coconut to all linger. The higher body of the beer, moderate carbonation and smooth, warming alcohol further emphasize the dessert nature of this beer.

Death by Coconut is a sinfully delicious beer that weaves caramel sweetness, dark chocolate and coconut seemlessly into a post-dinner beer. Skip the Mounds bar and head straight to your snifter to enjoy this delight.