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Rick Franckhauser's picture


August, 2016


New York
United States
Judges Rating: 
20 / 24
6 / 6
37 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

This is not your grandfather's Pilsner. Tropical fruits intermingle with slight sulfur and DMS aromas. Grassy hop notes, grainy pilsner malt and a very low mineral aspect also join the aromatics. This beer pours a light gold color with a very slight haze and lots of tiny bubbles climbing up. The beer is topped with a creamy white head which laces the glass and remains to the last sip. Mandarin orange and lemon flavors combine for a rather tart start. Earthy hops, soft bready malt and a rounded bitterness come to aid in balancing the beer. The beer finishes dry with pine resin and some toasty malt aspects. While prominently bitter with lemon and pine flavors, the touch of tropical fruit and just enough malt keep the bitterness from being too harsh. Overall this is a very enjoyable, clean and well-balanced beer.