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Wee Heavy-er Scotch Ale

North Carolina
United States
Judges Ratings 
1 Review
22 / 24
35 / 40
6 / 6
7 / 10
Overall Impression:
16 / 20

7% ABV wrapped in an attractive package of continental malts and hops. The Wee Heavy-er Scotch Ale is based on French Broad's Wee Heavy Scotch Ale recipe, but with a little more-er alcohol.

Beverage Profile
Served at: 
42 - 45°
Judges Review 
BC Review's picture
Judges Rating:
22 / 24
6 / 6
35 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression:
16 / 20

French Broad’s strong Scotch ale, widely considered the brewery’s most full-bodied and flavorful offering, appears crystal clear with a deep red, garnet, light brown color and a mild, light tan head. This potent ale produces subtle aromas of malt, caramel, toffee, sorghum, molasses, plums, raisins, smoke and peat. “Malt, toffee and a low level of roast and smoke produce the initial flavors that carry through into the medium-dry finish, due to the light hop bitterness,” Phil said. A hint of alcohol strength tickles the tongue but is well integrated and pleasantly warm, and the rich caramel character becomes more pronounced as the beer warms. Owen found the brew “not quite as full-bodied and malty as one might expect for this robust style.” Reminiscent of lightly burnt raisin bread, this strong ale hides its potent alcohol content and exhibits a suitable level of complexity and craftsmanship. French Broad has achieved a very caramel-like, medium-bodied red ale with a moderately bitter finish that flirts with dark malt complexity and Braveheart greatness. The beer longs for a bit more complex, rich malt to be a world-class example of the style. Ed said, “This strong Scotch ale with a thick, chewy mouthfeel hides its alcohol like a Highlander hiding his sword – a tasty treat, but be careful when reaching for a second pint!”