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Sal Mortillaro II's picture

Judge's Review: 76 Rating - Clausthaler ISO 0.0 (Non-Alcoholic) by Radeberger

July, 2023

Clausthaler ISO 0.0 (Non-Alcoholic)

Clausthaler ISO 0.0 (Non-Alcoholic)

Clausthaler ISO 0.0 (Non-Alcoholic), Radeberger

Perfectly providing tasteful refreshment for active people looking to reward themselves with a high quality, great tasting 0.0% brew.Clausthaler ISO 0.0% is the tasteful, exciting and healthy option to refuel and hydrate your body after exercising and being active.

Beverage Profile



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Judges Rating: 
19 / 24
6 / 6
32 / 40
5 / 10
Overall Impression: 
14 / 20

Clausthaler ISO 0.0 (Non-Alcoholic) by Radeberger pours a gold color with a very slight chill haze. There is an absolutely gorgeous dense and meringue-like head of ivory white bubbles, which is persistent. It slowly fades away upon drinking and leaves a beautiful lacing on the side of the glass. 

The aroma consists of a moderately low sweetness of grainy malt and a touch of sweet corn (though not DMS). The malt note is almost “hollow” with a touch of muted aspect that is reminiscent of a beer that has been oxidized (though that is not what is going on here). There is a low floral and slightly spicy hop note present in this beer. Overall, this is a cleanly fermented beer with no detectable issues in the aroma. 

On the initial sip, a medium (almost medium-high) wort-like sweetness is present (in medium-low intensity) along with the sweet grain and sweet corn noted in the aroma. On the swallow, a medium-low bitterness helps balance the beer, but it is decidedly leaning toward the malt.  A lingering finish of spicy hops and corn-like sweetness manifests along with a slowly building bitterness and light graininess. This beer has a clean fermentation profile with no off-flavors. Clausthaler ISO 0.0 features a medium body with medium carbonation, with a slight hint of creaminess coming through.

Overall, this beer was too residually sweet to be enjoyable. It was reminiscent of a light version of a Cuban Malta with a heavier addition of hops added. I regularly enjoy NA beers, especially if I decide to go out after doing CrossFit in the evenings. Other NA beers I’ve had are lighter in body with a crisper finish, and I would enjoy this beer much better if it featured those elements as well.