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Judge's Review: 78 Rating - Pucker Up by Low Road Brewing

June, 2022

Pucker Up: Green Apple

Pucker Up: Green Apple

United States
Pucker Up: Green Apple, Low Road Brewing

This brew is a punch of sour to the tastebuds. It is a clean, refreshing beer loaded with tart green apple flavor.

Beverage Profile



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Judges Rating: 
20 / 24
5 / 6
34 / 40
6 / 10
Overall Impression: 
13 / 20

Pucker Up by Low Road Brewing is a “straight sour beer” made with green apples and was judged as a Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer (BJCP sub-style 28B). It poured green and mostly clear into the glass, forming a thin greenish-white head with low retention.

The aroma began and finished with intense green sour apple (Granny Smith?) notes. The flavor profile was also dominated by tart green apple with no discernable secondary flavors. Absent were any hop flavors, as well as any underlying base and specialty malt contributions, which, if present, were overwhelmed by the tart apple taste. 

The mouthfeel consisted of a light body, low carbonation and no warmth or creaminess. The strong apple tartness produced some astringency, especially in the finish.

Overall, this sour beer was too one-dimensional. While it may be appreciated by those who love both Granny Smith apples and beer, at least for one glass, it lacks the complexity found in most sour beers, including fruit sours.