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Pete Garofalo's picture

Thiriez Extra

Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
35 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

This hoppy interpretation of a Saison starts off with a yeasty, bread-like aroma that gradually melds with a honey sweetness. Perfumy hops mingle with some peppery phenols and hints of lemon zest, resulting in a very appealing bouquet. The flavor is somewhat of a surprise, with an intense bitterness washing away vestiges of crackery Pils- type malt, citrusy fruit esters, and peppery Belgian-type phenols. The lasting impression is of a crisp, tangy, fi rmly bitter beer with subdued malt character. With its hoppy focus that edges toward puckery sharpness, the beer seems to be closer to a Belgian IPA. Nevertheless, this is a very drinkable interpretation of the Saison style.This hoppy interpretation of a Saison starts off with a yeasty, bread-like aroma that gradually melds with a honey sweetness. Perfumy hops mingle with some peppery phenols and hints of lemon zest, resulting in a very appealing bouquet. The flavor is somewhat of a surprise, with an intense bitterness washing away vestiges of crackery Pils- type malt, citrusy fruit esters, and peppery Belgian-type phenols. The lasting impression is of a crisp, tangy, fi rmly bitter beer with subdued malt character. With its hoppy focus that edges toward puckery sharpness, the beer seems to be closer to a Belgian IPA. Nevertheless, this is a very drinkable interpretation of the Saison style.