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Jim Dykstra

Jim Dykstra's picture
Associate Editor

Jim joined The Beer Connoisseur® in 2014 as an editorial assistant, fresh off of Kennesaw State University's journalism canning line. As editorial responsibilities grew, so too did an interest in new flavors and cultures.

Now mellowed with age, his interests have developed into a full blown love of "Blue Highway" travel and the expanded palate of experience it brings.

When not contributing to The Beer Connoisseur®, Jim writes and edits for video game publisher thatgamecompany, balancing his time at the desk with walking, biking, teaching drums and coaching ultimate frisbee.

You may reach Jim by email at:

jim (at) beerconnoisseuur (dot) com

My articles

Summit Brewing 30th Anniverary Keller Pils
Minnesota stalwart Summit Brewing Co. has announced the release of its 30th Anniversary Keller Pils, a 5.1% ABV unfiltered pilsner style made with...
Brewery Vivant Grand Rapids Beer
Grand Rapids-based Brewery Vivant, renowned for their Belgian ales and striking taproom, have announced their Plein de Vie series, which will focus...
Lulu's On Main Innovation Brewing Sylva North Carolina
Not far from Asheville, NC there’s a small town called Sylva. It feels like it was plucked right from the vine of Americana – a perfect piece of...
Two of Vermont's most revered brewers have announced plans to expand. The Alchemist, known for its hazy Heady Topper, will open a new brewery and...
Bob Leggett, CEO of Artisanal Imports
For Bob Leggett, 1977 was a landmark year. It was the year he broke into the beer business, and the year he started sporting a beard. Bob's been...
Grand Rapids is experiencing a mini-renaissance relatively unknown to the outsider. A veritable explosion of education and industry has led to...
Green Flash co-founder and CEO Mike Hinkley has announced that the company will begin distributing six-packs of its 12-ounce canned offerings...
In a move that shouldn't shock anyone, Anheuser-Busch has announced that it will acquire Virginia-based Devils Backbone Brewing Company. Best known...
The Scottish brewer Innis & Gunn, known for its barrel-aged creations, has forayed into the world of spreadable beer preserve with its oak-aged...
